Thursday, August 30, 2018

Custom SLA for Revenue (Invoice, Credit Memo, Debit Memo)

Hello. I have never imagined that my first concrete post would be about SLA things. I will share about custom SLA for revenue account for Invoice, Credit Memo, and Debit Memo in Receivable module.

I get a requirement to create custom SLA for one of our segments for combination accounts.

Here are the segments of combination accounts: A.BBBBBBB.CCCCC.DDD.EEE.FFF.GGG

Segment A : Company
Segment B : Natural Account
Segment C : Department
Segment D : Product
Segment E : Channel
Segment F : Region
Segment G : Future

I am going to create a custom SLA for segment D. It is because there is no standard source aligned with what I need. The custom Itself is derived from the Item Categories sold/returned in Invoice/Credit Memo/Debit Memo.

E.g. Based on the invoice, item 1501% should map to 101 and item 1505% should map to 103.

 Here is the journal before I create the custom SLA.

The first thing I need is a function to fill the PL/SQL Function Name field.

Responsibility: AR Superuser
Navigation: Setup> Accounting> Accounting Methods Builder> Sources> Custom Source

Since I need a function to map Item Categories to Product, here is the function created by the technical:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION APPS.xgss_ar_item_source_fnc (p_trx_line_id NUMBER)
   v_category_id   NUMBER;
   SELECT DISTINCT MAX (mc.segment2)
     INTO v_category_id
     FROM ra_customer_trx_all rcta,
          ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctla,
          mtl_item_categories mic,
          org_organization_definitions ood,
          mtl_categories mc
    WHERE rcta.customer_trx_id = rctla.customer_trx_id
      AND mic.organization_id = ood.organization_id
      AND rcta.set_of_books_id = ood.set_of_books_id
      AND rctla.inventory_item_id = mic.inventory_item_id
      AND rctla.inventory_item_id IS NOT NULL
      AND rctla.customer_trx_line_id = p_trx_line_id
      AND mc.category_id = mic.category_id
      AND mic.category_set_id = 1100000041
      AND mc.segment1 = '15'
      AND rctla.line_type = 'LINE';
   THEN v_category_id:=NULL;

   RETURN v_category_id;

The next thing is to fill the Custom Source form.
The parameter have to set as Transaction Line Identifier because the Item Categories appear in every line. I used to set the parameter to Transaction Identifier, but It turned out the custom SLA is getting the same Item Categories for the different ones.

After that, I set the Custom Source to the Account Derivation Rule (ADR).

Responsibility: AR Superuser
Navigation: Setup> Accounting> Accounting Methods Builder> Methods and Definitions> Accounting Application Definitions

I copy the Application Accounting Definitions (AAD) to be able set the custom source.

I also copy Journal Lines Definition (JLD) to be able set the custom source.

After that I create custom Account Derivation Rule (ADR) to map the Item Categories to Product segment.

Here I map them: conditions.

Validate the AAD and Create Accounting again.

That is how It works. Happy trying :)

*Special thanks to: Andreas Victor & Imam Tri Harsono (both are the Technicals)

Sunday, February 18, 2018

How to Setup Ledger at Oracle Fusion Cloud

There are two approaches we could use to setup ledger at Oracle Fusion Cloud: manual setup or rapid implementation. The rapid implementation is way more simple to setup which align with the standard setup used and It will be easily used once we barely know about Fusion Cloud. On the other hand, the manual setup will be easily used once we already have knowledge about Fusion Cloud. In this writing I would like to talk about the first one: rapid implementation.

Basically there's no difference between them. Otherwise, when we use the rapid implementation, we don't need to setup legal entities, business units, and locations manually. The chart of accounts, calendar, currencies will be generated automatically from the spreadsheet that we use to setup the ledger. Once the spreadsheet is completed, we could just upload It to the instance. And voila, the ledger is somewhat ready to complete to 100%.

  • Make sure the identifying jurisdiction of the country we use is set to Yes (Task: Manage Legal Jurisdictions).
  • Install the ADF Desktop Integrator application (Navigator: Download Desktop Integrator Installer). Please 'Run as Administrator' when you install It. 

  1. Complete the ledger spreadsheet (follow instruction). Task: Create Chart of Accounts, Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units in Spreadsheet.
  2.  Upload Chart of Accounts (COA). Task: Upload Chart of Accounts (uploading COA)
  3.  Upload Financials Common Entities. Task: Upload Ledger, Legal Entities, and Business Units (uploading ledger, legal entities, business unit)
  4.  Completing the ledger setup.
a.       Prerequisites:
1)      Review the COA created.
a)      Task: Manage Chart of Accounts Structures.
b)      Task: Manage Chart of Accounts Structure Instances.
c)      Task: Manage Chart of Accounts Value Sets.
d)      Task: Manage Chart of Accounts Value Set Values.
e)      Task: Manage Chart of Accounts Structure Instances.
We need to redeploy the COA if:
-          Enable/disable BI option for a value set.
-          Associate a tree in the segment instance.
-          Change default value for value set.
-          Enable/disable segment value security.
-          Change prompt name for segment name.
f)       Submit Scheduled Processes: Update Balance Cubes.
2)     Review Calendar. Task: Manage Calendars.
3)     Review Currencies. Task: Manage Currencies.
4)     Review Accounting Method. Task: Manage Accounting Methods.
The accounting convention only has 4 options: Standard Cash, Standard Accruals, Standard Accruals for China, and Standard Accruals with Encumbrances. We can assign one of them to ledger at task: Specify Ledger Options.
5)   Assign balancing values. Task: Assign Balancing Segment Values to Legal Entity or Assign Balancing Segment Values to Ledger (It depends on the concept of ledger implemented)
b.      Assign to ledger. Task: Specify Ledger Options
  •       The default for the convention is Standard Accruals. 
  •       Set the retained earnings account. 
  •       Set the rounding difference account.
  •       Set entered balancing currency account. 
  •       The default option for autoreverse set is set to Yes.
  •       Set Intercompany Journal to Yes if needed.
                  c.       Task: Review and Submit Accounting Configuration (compiling).
 5. Assign Data Access for User. Task: Manage Data Access Sets for User.
  • This step is to make sure the user can access the ledger data access. 
  • The data access set is automatically created as the same as the ledger’s name for fully access ledger. In need the specific data access set (security set values), we can create other data accesses (Task: Manage Data Access).
Alright, those are all the things I could share with you. Hopefully It will help you in setup ledger at Oracle Fusion. If there is any question, please post a comment below. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

How To Setup AutoPost Journal

AutoPost feature is used to automatically post the journals within ledger, source, category, balance type, and period. The feature would make user easier posting many journal batches after review them. Here the steps to setup AutoPost journals:

Responsibility: General Ledger
Navigation: Setup > Journal > AutoPost

AutoPost Criteria Set Form
Criteria Set --> Criteria Set name
Description --> Description of Criteria Set
Enabled --> Tick to activate the Criteria Set
Posting Submission Options --> Submit All Priorities in Order
Priority --> Priority to process AutoPost Criteria Set
Ledger/Ledger Set --> Ledger/Ledger Set that used to AutoPost
Source --> Journal Sources to be posted
Category --> Journal Category to be posted
Balance Type --> Balance Type journal to be posted
Period --> period of journal to be posted

After setup the AutoPost Criteria Set, we can submit the concurrent program through the same form (Submit button) or from navigation View > Request.

Program - Automatic Posting

Program Name : Program - Automatic Posting
Parameter: AutoPost Criteria Set created

We can also schedule the concurrent program.